New Climate Initiatives from Northam Administration a Welcome Step Forward for Clean Air, Healthy Oceans
For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018
Lee Francis | Communications Manager
Virginia League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
(804) 225-1902 |
SAN FRANCISO – Today, at the Global Climate Action Summit, a delegation from Virginia announced new, ambitious plans from the Northam administration to act on climate change by further reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions in Virginia and to do its part to address the growing acidification of our oceans.
The plans outline Virginia’s intention to join the Transportation and Climate Initiative, with goals to significantly decrease our state’s emissions from the transportation sector – our largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the Administration announced it will be taking the first steps toward regulating methane – one of the most potent contributors to global warming – from both natural gas infrastructure and landfills.
Virginia also plans to join the International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification and to develop the state’s first ocean acidification action plan as a way to help safeguard our aquatic resources and the industries they support.
“Today’s announcement further demonstrates that even as the federal level continues to abandon efforts to address the climate crisis, Virginia remains committed to climate action and advancing a clean energy economy,” said Michael Town, executive director of the Virginia League of Conservation Voters Education Fund. “By addressing both our largest and most dangerous contributors to global warming and a growing threat to clean water, Northam is following through on a promise he made to Virginia voters to act on climate change and protect our public health and safety.”
The Global Climate Action Summit, which runs until Friday, Sept. 14, was organized as an effort to celebrate the achievements of states, regions, cities, companies, investors and citizens with respect to climate action and to bring leaders and people together from around the world to “Take Ambition to the Next Level.” Virginia’s commitments come alongside deeper worldwide commitments and accelerated action from countries intended to put the globe on track to prevent dangerous climate change and realize the historic Paris Agreement.